Thursday, 18 August 2016

The Way Out of Abortion

BY SAM D DON       

Abortion is a word and never a spirit. It is only a by-product of an illicit casual sex. It is not possible to have an abortion when there is no sex. Therefore, illicit sex is the pathway to abortion.

Many teenage boys/girls are saying NO to pre-marital sex to protect their future, you too CAN. Likewise some married men/women saying NO to extra-marital sex to save themselves of the avoidable of which abortion is one of them.

Just by adopting this philosophy and the fear of God, “others may but I can’t have sex until I am married.” You are reducing the number of possible abortions worldwide.
As a teenager you are pretty, good looking and very appealing/attractive to somebody but that is not the reason for you to indulge into illicit casual sex. Sex maybe free but its consequences are costly for which abortion is life terminated and life threatening.

You may move close to a special person you are interested in and your body may not be able to resist the temptation of having sex. However, before you take the next step there are things you have to know.

Do you know that over one million teenagers have an unplanned pregnancy yearly? Old men (sugar daddies) leave their own children at home but have sexual intercourse with other people’s children by enticing them with money and luxuries. Teenage girls, who get pregnant, have problems during pregnancy and child birth. Some young people that get pregnant drop out of school and face many other challenges in the society. 

Many of them try abortion and die in the process or are unable to have babies forever. Children delivered outside marriage are more likely to have serious health and psychological problems. Sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV are common among those who have premarital sex and some of them are difficult to manage. These diseases not only cause pain, trauma and infertility, they could also cause the death of the mother, the child or both.

The temptation to have sex might be too high but before you decide, consider the following;

v Yourself (Health)
v Your future
v The responsibilities that accompanies pregnancy
v How you will feel if you end up with an unplanned pregnancy, HIV/AIDS
v Your parent – is it honourable or shameful to them
v  God – does illicit sex glorify God.


1.     The fear of God: Proverbs 10:9 says ‘the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom’. The fear of God is the consciousness of God’s presence that He is watching and recording your doings. With the fear of the lord, abortion can be escaped. It makes you want to please God and keep to his words.

You may ask yourself these questions:
a)     Is having sex in line with my personal, religious and moral values? Will I not destroy my future plans by having sex now?
b)    Will I be able to face the consequences of unplanned pregnancy?
c)     Would God feel pleased if I have sex now?
d)    If the relationship breaks up after having sex, will I be able to bear the shame?
e)     Would I have my self-respect if I have sex now?
f)      Is my partner ready to be father or a mother now?
g)     If I have a baby now, will I be able to take good care of the child?
h)    Is abortion a solution or a problem?

2.     Personal Values and Principles: Personal values and principles are good to help you out of abortion. The lack of personal values or principles can trigger abortion uncontrollably. Values like “No sex till after I am married”, “I don’t believe sex is the climax/validates true love.”

3.     Saying No to Illicit Sex: Pick up the courage to say NO to your Boyfriend/girlfriend. You should use without reservation some disciplinary words to wade in the temptation. ‘If you really love me and you sincerely care for me, you will wait until we are married’; ‘I love you a lot but I am not ready for sex’; ‘honestly I do not believe in premarital sex’; ‘It is not right and it is against my moral and religious values’; ‘I do not want both of us to hurt each other’s feelings’; ‘We should both wait until we get married’; ‘We both know the consequences of having sex now, we are not ready to bear the consequences yet, so let’s wait’.

4.     Knowing That Sex is not Love: Good relationship does not develop overnight. Sex does not make a relationship work rather it destroys it.

Beware of the following sweet talks. They are deceitful and destroying talks:
                               i.            If you love me you will have sex with me.
                             ii.            You need to prove your love for me by having sex with me.
                          iii.            My friend told me you are just pretending.
                          iv.            Our entire friends are doing it, why not us?
                             v.            I have spent a lot on you, what is my gain?
                          vi.            For me to marry you, you will have sex with me first.
                        vii.            I need to be rewarded with sex.

To save your life, define your relationship and know your boundaries.
5.     Get rid of filthy materials: Keep away from materials such as; pornography, sex movies or films that defile the mind and builds the foundation for sexual immorality within you.

6.     Indecent dressing: You must not dress indecently. You must not involve yourself in things like kissing, pecking, smooching e.t.c. They all fall into the same category of sexual sin and ultimately lead to sexual immorality. Always have your clothes on. Avoid body contact, true love waits.

7.     Keep your mind occupied with things of God: Reading your bible, attending church activities and Sunday services diligently and living a prayerful life. An idle mind they say is the devil’s workshop. As soon as the mind conceives a thing and holds it strongly, you will need God’s grace to be delivered from such thing.

8.     Avoid spending time alone behind closed doors: As long as you wear this mortal body, temptations are inevitable but you have to adopt certain measures to overcome them. Staying behind closed doors, alone with the person you love triggers activities of the body chemistry. This is natural and you may not be able prevent or control it. So avoid being alone in an enclosed place, always stay in the midst of other people.

9.     Choose your friends right: Don’t choose friends that are likely to lead you astray. Choose decent friends who are interested in the things of God and are ultimately God fearing. Proverbs 27:17 ‘as iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance off his friends’. 2corinthans 6:14 ‘be yea not equally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness?’

10.                        Counselling: You need to talk to somebody who has something worth the while to counsel you about sex and abortion. E.g. you can go to a professional counselling centre. The bible teaches that a wise builder builds on a rock and not on sand. That implies that you seek genuine counsel; asking God for help and guidance on every mysteries of life. That includes sex and abortion, which is abominable before God.
Finally, talk about your feelings with your partner. If he/she does not agree, then look for someone whose way of thinking is the same with your own.

You don’t need to have sex to prove that you love someone. You do not need to have sex to pay someone back for giving you a gift. Saying thank you is enough. Saying I love you and no to sex until you are ready should be enough. These will earn you respect and honour.

Talking over problems, sharing feelings and giving respect for each other ensure a stronger and lasting relationship. Be wise and learn to say no to sex until you are married. Join the crusade against the crime of abortion.

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